Empowering women to connect with God.

• Find Joy

• Experience God’s Peace

• Grow Spiritually

Being a woman today, especially a woman of faith, can be trying.

Our world is divided. Left and right, us versus them - and, we’re right in the middle.

In a society that promotes Instagram-perfect lives, we struggle to find relevance.

It feels impossible to hear God or feel His presence.  

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

For God has not given you spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
— 2 Tim. 1:7

Faith for today.

  • Apply God's word to your life

    Apply God's Word to Your Life

    I show women how to apply God’s eternal principles to their daily lives.

  • Get Unstuck

    Get Unstuck

    If your same old devotionals and groups leave you feeling flat, it’s time for something new.

  • Learn how to grow through pain

    Learn How to Grow Through Pain

    Your problems are not the problem. Get equipped to navigate life’s trials.

  • Know God Personally

    Know God Personally

    Knowing God brings focus and clarity of purpose, allowing you to accomplish all that He has for you.

I’m glad you’re here.

I believe that we are in a time where women need to arise and speak boldly in their own God-given voice.  Doing that takes empowerment through prayer and knowledge of God’s word.  

Everyone has a calling and mine is to equip you on this journey.  My unique upbringing as a teacher, advocate, writer, worshiper, and lawyer has given me deep insight that I am eager to share with you.  God has a good plan for your life (Jer. 33:3).  Let’s discover it together.

Phanuelle Duchatelier Pillsbury

Be God-fident!

In the story of Saul and David, we learn to be confident in the gifts God has given us and are empowered to align them with His plan so that we can watch and be amazed at what He will do in our life.

You’re Not Alone

Every journey starts with a single step and I’m here to walk along beside you. 

  • 1 | SHARE

    We’re all at different places on our spiritual journey. Sharing where you are by completing this questionnaire will help me best meet your needs.

  • 2 | RECEIVE

    You’ll receive specific resources to support your development and strengthen your relationship with the Lord.

  • 3 | GROW

    You’ll grow close to God and understand what He requires of you. This leads to a “peace that passes all understanding” (Phil. 4:7).

Ways to Work with Me

From devotionals and retreats to group coaching and speaking engagements, my offerings are designed to meet you where you are today.  

  • Devotionals for Churches and Groups

    Looking for a way to engage your group or congregation? Let Phanuelle create a custom devotional series based on your audience and goals.

  • Retreats

    Step away from the distractions of every day to nourish your soul, deepen your connection to God, and engage in self-reflection and personal growth with other women on the same journey.

  • Group Guidance

    Sacred Pathways: Nurturing Your Spiritual Journey is a six-week group program that focuses on exploring spiritual beliefs, values, and practices, and how they intersect with our overall well-being.

  • Speaking

    Bring a fresh Biblical perspective to your next event that will revive and inspire attendees. With her engaging presence and dynamic, Spirit-filled messages, Phanuelle will captivate your mind and ignite your passion for God.

The path is yours, but you don’t have to walk it alone.


Maybe you’re curious about faith or want to actively pursue a relationship with God. 

Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been walking with the Lord for years, following a spiritual path can feel scary. 

Having someone walk beside you to give guidance, share insights, and provide wisdom based on their own experiences and knowledge can help you navigate spiritual challenges, clarify doubts, and offer perspectives that broaden your understanding
